218 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

The Basics


Designing Boards

About WarGear

Joining or creating a game

Joining a Game

You can see a list of Public games that are available for you to join by clicking on the Join Game tab at the top of the screen. This will present you with a list of games which need more players before they can start. Note the block of colored squares called the Player Bar which gives a visual indicator of the colors of the players who have joined and the number of empty slots remaining in the game.

If you'd like to know more about the game you can click on the View button which will take you to a page filled with information about the game and which players have already joined. Click on the Board Name to look at the details of the board on which the game is going to be played or click on the image for a full size preview.

Below this is a table listing the players who have already joined the game and information about their playing record on this board and their Ranking.

Take careful note of the information about the Game Type, Turn-Timer, Fog Setting, and Rules that have been set by the person who created the game and the board designer as these can heavily affect the way the game is played. See the other help sections for more on this.

Creating a Game

If you do not see an open public game that you want to participate in, you can create an open public game or a private game just as easily. Click on the Board tab to access the list of available boards on WarGear. Clicking on a board image loads a preview of the board, while clicking on the board name takes you to the board information page, for example Global Warfare. From the board page you can view a range of information about the board, to create a game on the board simply click ‘Create Game’.

Once at the Create Game page, the board you selected will be populated in the board list and you will be able to enter a game name, number of players, player color, game speed, game type, and team play. The Additional Options can be expanded with the possible options of Fog level and Boot Type. Complete the page by clicking Create Game. A public game is then open for other players on WarGear to join, while a private game will be available for those you invited.

Note: Games unfilled after 30 days will be automatically deleted by the system.